Adarsh PU College. Best PU College in South Bangalore

REPORT of INAUGURATION of I P.U. – 2024 - 25

INAUGURATION of I P.U. CLASSES was held on 13.06.2024. Shri Anandraj , Deputy Director of P.U.E., (school Education ) Bengaluru South,  was the chief guest. Shri Padamraj Mehta, Hon. President of Adarsh Vidya Sangh presided over the function. Shri Jitendra Maradia, Hon. Secretary of Adarsh Vidya Sangh and Dr. S. Prashanth, principal, were the other dignitaries on the stage.

The chief guest Shri Anandraj addressed the students and inspired them to succeed in the field of education. Sir also explained how the students should reach their goals and experience the fulfillment of their dreams.

The President Shri Padamraj Mehta addressed the gathering and motivated the students by explaining the importance of education.

Shri Jitendra Maradia, Hon. Secretary of Adarsh Vidya Sangh briefed about the institution and encouraged the students to choose the teaching profession in future.

Dr. S. Prashanth welcomed the dignitaries on the stage and the gathering of students and parents. Sir also gave a PPT presentation through which he introduced the faculty and the office staff and explained the rules and regulations of the college.

The students who scored distinction in II P.U. in the academic year 2023 – 24, those who achieved in the field of sports and those who had 100% attendance were felicitated.

All the staff members, students and their parents were present on this occasion.